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Showing posts from February, 2010

Not fancy just good!

I find that in my quest to create cooking classes I sometimes get lost in the “fancy” recipes that I am researching and developing. Perusing the French Laundry cookbook makes being satisfied with simpler fare difficult. The truth is my family prefers simpler fare as does my wallet. While I love trying to duplicate the Black Truffle Mac N Cheese recipe from Nick’s Fish Market in Maui, my true passion is to get everyone at home to break away from those pre packaged or frozen meals they are buying at the grocery. With the snow blowing repeatedly these past few weeks I made a few meals that are not at all gourmet, they are just good food. The first recipe is for Chicken Tortellini Soup. This is so simple and actually both of the recipes start with the same ingredient, chicken. I cook boneless skinless chicken in my crock pot on the 4 hour setting. I always use all natural chicken. It is not injected with salt solution, it’s free range, and it is fed diet free of antibiotics and animal b